Save the date: Molecular biology and immunology of Cancer R & D perspectives
On a rotating basis ScanBalt Forum moves from region to region as an annual event. The scope is to discuss ongoing activities and plan new ones, coordinate between projects and ensure synergies. This couples with sessions and talks targeting specific interests on the hosting region.
Confirmed keynote speaker
Susanne Gabrielsson, Karolinska Institutet, research focus: The role of exosomes in the immune system and how to use them in therapy and as disease biomarkers.
Who should attend?
ScanBalt Forum 2019 aims to gather the scientific community, representatives of analytical research facilities, institutions, industry and business representatives. Students presenting posters – free registration!
University of Gdańsk, International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, Intercollegiate Faulty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk, ScanBalt fmba
Stay tuned for more information!