Navigating drug development with human multi-omics data and AI

18:30 o'clock
Kalendereintrag speichern
idalab GmbH

Potsdamer Str. 68

10785 Berlin

Over 50% of drug programs fail due to lack of efficacy. Despite decades of research, the etiology and pathophysiology of most diseases are still poorly understood.


However, there has never been a better time to fix this: biomedical data on human genetics, -omics, and clinical outcomes is becoming available for millions of real-world individuals. Pheiron’s platform integrates data from the world’s largest human biobanks, and combines human genetics with multi-modal AI, to accurately resolve disease pathology, and identify causal links between mechanisms, pathology and patient populations. In this talk, Thore explains how Pheiron's human-level insights help identifying targets and de-risk translation.

Thore Bürgel, PhD
Co-founder and CEO Pheiron

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