INAM - Info Session

18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr
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Come and get to know the Innovation Network for Advanced Materials


INAM, the Innovation Network for Advanced Materials, is a global innovation network based in Berlin (and a non-profit). With over 80 Member Companies (Startups, SMEs, Corporates) & Research Institutes, from all over the world. As a network, we aim to connect the right people in the field of Materials Innovation. We do this by bringing people together via events and meetings, and we focus on startups through programs like our Accelerator for Advanced Materials Startups.
If you and your company are passionate about innovation in the field of Advanced
Materials and you are not yet a member of INAM, then we invite you to come and get to know us. What will we talk about?

  •  The importance of Innovation Networks
  • What is INAM and what do we do
  • Which companies are already in INAM
  • Why you may benefit from joining our network

We will reserve time for your questions as well at the end of the session.

Join us to find out how INAM Berlin can support your innovation efforts.

The registration can be found via the link below.