IFIB – International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy

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Neapel, Italien
Join us to shape the world circular bioeconomy

IFIB is confirmed as one of the leading events for the circular bioeconomy. The Naples edition will see the presence of some of the most important players at global level and will be the occasion to discuss value chains, education, the role of regions and cities in specific round tables.

Very high relevant speakers such as Jennifer Holmgren at Lanzatech, Hugo Vuurens at Total Corbion, Daniel MacEachran at Braskem, Marc Palahi at EFI, Jim Philp at the OECD and Julius Ecuru at the BioInnovate Africa Program have already confirmed their presence.

The Naples event, now in its ninth edition, will offer the opportunity, in the frame of one of the most fascinating cities in the Mediterranean, to discuss how to shape the bioeconomy together. Join us: registration is open. From Naples the bioeconomy builds new bridges to reconcile economy, society and the environment.

Naples will be the world capital of circular bioeconomy on October 3-4

IFIB goes to Naples. The next edition of the International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology will take place on October 3-4 in Naples, Italy, at the Congress Center of the University of Naples Federico II, via Partenope 36.