
Kalendereintrag speichern
Arena Berlin

Digital challenges in the area of medical technology, hospital management, care and insurance in the year 2025 must be solved. Which incentives must be set correctly for the participants in a healthcare system so that we place the patients at the centre of a healthcare system and relieve the staff through effective digitalisation? 

Interdisciplinary experts work together in an open atmosphere to develop holistic solutions, e.g. in the field of interoperability.  We consider both global, e.g. the benefits and effects of telemedicine and adaptive eLearning, as well as local topics, e.g. third party applications at ePA through AI, blockchain and data analytics. Other examples could be in the areas of legally binding documentation of security audits of medical systems and construction of a decentralized structure and/or the integration of legally binding file systems (DLT) into the backend of hospital systems. However, it is not only about blockchain and AI but about digitization as a whole. Thus, in addition to medical technology and hospital management, a focus will also be placed on the area of digitisation in health insurance and care, e.g. in aftercare in rural areas and cross-sector networking.