Bayer G4A Digital Health Forum 2021


Bayer G4A welcomes you to our second annual Digital Health Forum on September 9th 2021. This special virtual event showcases the conversations shaping our collective future - one in which healthcare is equitable, accessible, and sustainable.

Equity. Access. Sustainability. These three tenets are the pillars of how we change the experience of healthcare. With this in mind, the Digital Health Forum has been designed to be a conference like no other. The virtual form-factor, no-cost ticket price, and self-navigation experience means that nobody, regardless of income, geography, time zone, or day-of availability will be barred from entry – just as we would design healthcare to be. Learn more on our website here.


Health For All will go LIVE at 5:00 pm CET / 8:00 am PST / 11:00 am EST

5:00 PM CET  
Surprise Keynote Speaker

5:10 PM CET  
Pitch Club: Signing Day Edition

5:30 PM CET  
Panel Sessions available for viewing in parallel and on-demand.

● Access for All: Will AI be the Great Health Equalizer?*
● Fireside Chat: Women’s Health in a Post-Pandemic World*
● Designing for Impact and Outcomes: A Conversation in Behavior Change*
● No Longer Niche: The Rise of of Digital Health in Capital Markets*
● Leveraging Digital Health: Bayer's Commitment to a Sustainable Future

6:15 PM CET  
Closing Remarks : The Future is Integrated

All sessions have been pre-recorded.
*Panel Sessions marked with an asterisk will include LIVE chat room Q&A with the speakers.

Celebrating people and innovation… We invite you to join us! 
