Global Innovation Collaborative

A collaboration between Berlin, London, New York and Paris to leverage our collective innovation and speed our recovery from Covid-19

Who we are

Berlin, London, New York and Paris have come together to share emerging innovation and test new approaches to support economic recovery in the cultural and creative sector which has been hit hard by COVID-19.

On 1st June 2021 the cities will launch an open innovation competition to invite passionate people with great ideas to work with us. We will be inviting innovators, technologists, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, data scientists, researchers, designers, architects, creatives, and others to co-develop pioneering solutions to our joint Covid-19 challenges.

You are a test developer, a manufacturer of personal protective equipment, an App developer or you have other solutions to deal with this pandemic? Here you have the chance to further develop your solutions and open up new market segments.

More information: Global Innovation Collaborative | A collaboration between Berlin, London, New York and Paris to leverage our collective innovation and speed recovery from Covid-19. (