Internationalization: Access to global markets
The healthcare industries and life sciences are characterized by global research and distribution. It is thus particularly important to find the right partners from industry and research.
The Cluster HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg recognized the importance of international networking early on and, as a founding member of three major European life science networks (Council of European Bioregions, European Diagnostic Clusters Alliance), has excellent contacts with other international regions of the healthcare industry.
Together with these partners, companies and research institutions are supported in identifying suitable European funding and in finding partners from industry and science for European research projects.
In addition, HealthCapital represents the health region Berlin-Brandenburg at leading international trade fairs and offers companies and research institutions from the German capital region services to open up new markets – around the world.
The Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg can help you find cooperation partners for research and development, production, distribution, and trade on a European and global level.