Co-develop and validate the solution within the GHU Paris, GCSMS 91 or FOCH Hospital and GIP RESAH.
Receive funding up to 60.000€ [40.000€ for Challenges 1 to 4 and 60.000€ for Challenge 5, completed with a maximum funding of 60,000€ from FOCH hospital].
Business support to improve commercial and financial traction delivered by Medicen.
Intellectual Property is yours, except in challenge 5.
A first commercial reference to sell the solution elsewhere after the pilot.
Competitive call at a glance:
The funding organisation, Paris Region Entreprises, has launched a competitive call to select one IT company for each challenge.
Economic support: The maximum grant for this first call is 60% of the eligible costs, with a maximum of 60.000 € per beneficiary [40.000€ for Challenges 1 to 4 and 60.000€ for Challenge 5, completed with a maximum funding of 60,000€ from FOCH hospital].
Eligible costs are:
Personnel costs, including seconded personal and external intellectual services
Overheads (25% of the personnel costs).
Application deadline: 6th May 2019
Who can apply? Any Small and Medium Enterprise (consortiums not allowed) headquartered in the European Union. Besides, the following countries can also apply: Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia and Armenia.
Language: Application forms can only be filled in English. Working language during the co-creation will be in French.
Evaluation criteria: Excellence, fit with the inDemand challenge, potential impact, work-plan viability, team experience and business sustainability.