Video Gallery

HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg: Welcome to the heart of healthcare innovation!

The German capital region is one of the world's leading locations for health and innovation. What makes the region especially strong is the unique concentration and networking of science, clinics, and business.

More than 730 biotech, pharma, and medtech companies benefit from the excellent scientific environment, clinical research landscape, and proximity to policymakers and healthcare professionals. These include global players such as Bayer, B. Braun, Berlin-Chemie, Biotronik, Eckert & Ziegler, Pfizer, Sanofi, Takeda and Thermo Fisher, as well as the many small and medium-sized companies in the healthcare sector.

Greetings to the Cluster Conference 2024: Prof. Dr. Hey Kroemer

Cluster spokesman HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg welcomed Prof. Dr. Heyo Kroemer, Chairman of the Board of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, who was on a business trip out of the country, in a video message.

Innovation project snapshot: TEF Health

Berlin - capital for additive manufacturing

AMBER – Additive Manufacturing Berlin-Brandenburg

Where are 3D printing products used? Twelve funded top projects from additive manufacturing “made in Berlin” for medical technology, mobility and lightweight construction.

Backstage at BIO ´23 - an interview with Dr. Kai Uwe Bindseil

At BIO ´23 in Boston Dr. Bindseil, Head of Division Life Sciences / Healthcare Industry at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, talked about Berlin as a hotspot for health industry.

Speed Lecture Award at BIONNALE 2023

The winner of our Speed Lecture Award 2023 is Samantha Mendonsa from Max Delbrück Center (MDC). Congratulations!

Read also her profile here (text partly in German and English)

DMEA 2023

Interview with Flavia Kruse, Berlin Partner GmbH

Flavia Kruse, Manager for Innovation and Settlement at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH, reports in an interview about her impressions of #DMEA23 and emphasizes the networking nature of the trade fair.

Source: DMEA

Video 2: Burning glass COVID-19 pandemic: findings from occupational science, Susanne Sommer, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Video 3: Health-promoting working environments – what can we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic? (panel discussion)

Video Archive

Thinking about the future #3 2022

Video recording from the event “Thinking about the future #3: When startups cure cancer: "
including a keynote speech by Elisa Kieback, co-founder of T-Knife Therapeutics

Trailer BIONNALE 2022

Trailer for BIONNALE 2022 on 11/12. May 2022.  

BioBalance 2022

BioBilanz "Biotech vs. SARS CoV 2: A BioBilanz" from January 20th, 2022 - Welcome Dr. Norbert Gerbsch

All videos from BioBilanz 2022 here

Artificial intelligence in medicine and care

How AI can help us and what it takes

December 16, 2021, Urania Berlin


BIONNALE is the biggest networking event for life sciences and healthcare industries in the German capital region.