Prof. Andreas Lendlein becomes an AIMBE-Fellow | Great honor for the HZG-Institute of Active Polymers

Great honor for Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG): The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the election of Professor Andreas Lendlein, Director of the HZG Institute of Active Polymers in Teltow, as a Fellow. Andreas Lendlein was nominated, reviewed and elected by peers and members of the College of Fellows for his research and development of shape-memory polymers for biomedical applications.

The College of Fellows is comprised of the most accomplished and distinguished engineering and medical school chairs, research directors, professors, innovators, and successful entrepreneurs. AIMBE Fellows are regularly recognized for their contributions in teaching, research, and innovation.

AIMBE’s mission is to recognize excellence in, and advocate for, the fields of medical and biological engineering in order to advance society. Since 1991, AIMBE’s College of Fellows has led the way for technological growth and advancement in the fields of medical and biological engineering. AIMBE Fellows have helped revolutionize medicine and related fields to enhance the lives of people all over the world.

They have successfully advocated for public policies that have enabled researchers and business-makers to further the interests of engineers, teachers, scientists, clinical practitioners, and ultimately, patients. A formal induction ceremony will be held during AIMBE’s 2021 Annual Event on March 26. Prof. Lendlein will be inducted along with 174 colleagues who make up the AIMBE Fellow Class of 2021.