Potsdam International Forum – Innovation Hubs for Regional Development: Experiences, Challenges, Solutions

12:00 till 13:00 o'clock
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Potsdam Science Park
The »Potsdam International Forum« brings together decision makers and experts developing and managing science parks and innovation hubs, as well as partners from the public sector, the private sector and non-profit organizations. The two-day-event aims to foster exchange between policy makers and practitioners actively building innovation hubs and ecosystems in science parks and beyond. Together, we will take into focus practical approaches, strategies and integrated toolkits for developing and managing innovation hubs within their particular environment. Based on shared experiences, participants will identify common or unique challenges and pinpoint solutions. We will prototype interfaces for future collaboration or joint projects to address challenges together.

>>> Conference Program 

Share your ideas and get to know different approaches about facilitating innovation, connect with your peers. Take the opportunity to conjoin experience and knowledge to foster international visibility of regional European science and innovation landscapes and start-up eco-systems.



  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach – Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, Germany

  • Jobst-Hinrich Ubbelohde – State Secretary for European Affairs, Brandenburg Ministry of Finance and for European Affairs, Germany

  • Prof. Oliver Günther, PhD – President, University of Potsdam, Germany

  • Agnes von Matuschka – CEO, Standortmanagement Golm GmbH, Potsdam Science Park, Germany

Experts from the European Commission

  • Wolfgang Münch – Deputy Head of Unit ‘Smart and Sustainable Growth’ (DG REGIO.G.1)

  • Xabier Goenaga Beldarrain – European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC), Head of Unit ‘Innovation Policies and Economic Impact’ (JRC.B.7)

International Experts

  • Ebba Lund – CEO, International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation IASP

  • Prof. Taina Tukiainen – Research Director, Prof. for Sustainability, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Vaasa, Finland

  • Mieke de Bruin – Community Manager, Utrecht Science Park, The Netherlands

  • Dr Jernej Pintar – CEO & Head of Tech Community at Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Frederik Larsson – Digital Strategist & Communication Manager, Linköping Science Park, Sweden

  • Ferran Huidobro Casamitjana – International Project Manager, Parque TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, Spain

  • Dr Justyna Adamska – Deputy Director, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland

  • Fabio Morea – Head of Sustainability and Mobility Manager, Area Science Park, Trieste, Italy

  • Markku Markkula – President of the Helsinki Region, Finland & Member of the European Committee of the Regions 

  • Matthias Weiß – HoU Science and Research, Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Brandenburg

  • Moderator: Dr Jukka Viitanen – CEO, Resolute HQ Inc. & leading expert in managing the innovation platforms, Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland


About the Potsdam Science Park

The Potsdam Science Park has an integral role for the development of the innovation system of the Federal State of Brandenburg in the German capital region. Fuelled by the commitment of key stakeholders and a dedicated road map process, this innovation location has reached substantial levels of growth in recent years. International networking and cooperation with regional experts as well as international innovation drivers formed an important part throughout the entire process.

How to Register

Please register until May 5, 2023 for the »International Forum Potsdam« via the registration form below and choose your preferred workshop. You will also be able to opt-in for the evening event & networking dinner on May 25th. Please note that places at the networking dinner are limited, you will receive an individual confirmation by email. To registration website

Planning Your Journey to Potsdam

The Potsdam Science Park is well connected to Berlin Brandenburg Airport BER and Berlin Main Station by direct train link. The commuting is approximately 35 minutes. You will receive further travel directions once you have registered.

Hotel Reservations

We have reserved hotel contingents for conference participants, which you can book yourself using our booking code. Room rates vary between 80,00 EUR and 95,00 EUR p.p./night. Please take into account that hotel reservations within the contingents will only be possible until April 10th, 2023. You will receive an email with further information on how to reserve a room from the contingent upon registration.


The Potsdam International Forum is organized by the Brandenburg Ministry of Finance and for European Affairs, Germany and Potsdam Science Park, Standortmanagement Golm GmbH.


Karen Esser, PR & Communications
Potsdam Science Park – Standortmanagement Golm GmbH
+49 (0)331. 237 351 103