Learn & Match: French-German Partnering Event for joint Innovation Funding

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Event for joint Innovation Funding


For the bilateral French-German Call for proposals, the German funding programme ZIM will be combined with the French programme ADI. 

“ZIM” stands for Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, which means “Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)”. It is a funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy that aims to foster the innovative capacity of SMEs. It launches several thousand new projects every year all around Germany, making it the country’s largest innovation programme for SMEs. The ZIM is open to all technologies, topics and industries. Several bilateral agreements with other countries facilitate synchronised funding with foreign national programmes. 

With the Aide pour le développement de l'innovation (ADI), Bpifrance intends to support joint French and German research and development projects (R&D projects) in order to develop innovative products, processes or technical services from all technology and application areas. Funding will be available for R&D projects in which new products, services or processes with high market potential are developed and subsequently transformed into marketable products. Bpifrance support the applicants in the phase of submission of project proposals, in the evaluation and in the implementation phase. More information in French, here.

The French-German call for R&D cooperation projects will be open until 15 June 2021.

Virtual info sessions

The sessions provide information on the French-German call for R&D cooperation projects and the funding schemes in both countries. Additional presentations will provide information of the national ecosystem in France and Germany.

Virtual matchmaking sessions

In addition, we offer several virtual matchmaking sessions that bring together companies from France and Germany. Each day focusses on one of the five topics below:

  • Monday, 25 January 2021 - Industry 4.0
  • Tuesday 26, January 2021 - Mobility & Smart City
  • Wednesday, 27 January 2021- Energy & Environment
  • Thursday, 28 January 2021- Health & Biotech
  • Friday, 29 January 2021- Fintech & Cybersecurity

Please note that this event will be held in English (info sessions and matchmaking).

/!\ The number of participants is limited /!\ 

Please only register if you are looking for a  cooperation partner in France or in Germany and if you are available for the virtual matchmaking session that fits best with your company focus.