Innovations in Single Cell Omics

09:00 till 14:00 o'clock
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Dear single-cell enthusiasts,

Don’t miss your chance to join an exciting international conference on Innovations in Single Cell Omics (ISCO) held on May 15-16, 2023 in Berlin.

With a special focus on innovation and application, this conference aims to bring together our growing single-cell community for two days of scientific exchange, providing ample opportunity to learn from each other and build new connections.

The program offers exciting keynote lectures and an outstanding lineup of invited speakers who will present during one of the 6 sessions. Participants will also have the chance to present their own work as selected talks or during the poster sessions. As we want to showcase tomorrow’s talent, we especially encourage juniors and early-career scientists to present!

Register here: Symposium: Innovations in Single Cell Omics

Deadline for registration: 30.04.2023

Deadline for abstract submission: 28.03.2023


Stefanie Grosswendt (BIH, Charité, MDC)

Simon Haas (BIH, Charité, MDC)

Leif Ludwig (BIH, Charité, MDC)

Ashley Sanders (MDC, BIH, Charité)


Lars Velten (CRG)

Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli (IRB)

Elisabetta Mereu (JCI)

For questions please contact Focus Area coordinators:

Grietje Krabbe, Susann Kleinsimon and Mareen Matz