Health Revolution Congress - Open Innovation Challenge 2023

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The Health Revolution Congress is the largest European Summit in Digital Health, where global startups & stakeholders join forces in Barcelona on May 17th 2023.

The meetings with the corporations can be held physically in the venue of Health Revolution Congress, online or both.

  • Online meetings will be held on May 24th

Why participate? 

  • Connect with corporations looking for new technologies/solutions. 
  • Get your personalised B2B agenda according to your interests & availability
  • Because the Health Revolution Open Innovation Challenge 2023 is free of charge

How to participate?

  1. Register to the platform and complete your profile before May 23rd
  2. Remember to add an OFFER (into the opportunities section) for each challenge you are applying to.
  3. Choose if you want to have physical meetings, online meetings or both. 
  4. The physical meetings will be organised at Health Revolution congress happening in Barcelona (Llotja de Mar).

The participation is free of charge.  Remember that you can always participate 100% online, meaning all your meetings will be held online.

Click here to download the APP and manage your meetings easily.

The Health Revolution Open Innovation Challenge 2023 is organized by ACCIÓ, a department of the Catalan Government's Ministry of Enterprise and Labour.

Health Revolution Congress:

The Health Revolution Congress is the largest European Summit in Digital Health, where global startups & stakeholders join forces in Barcelona on May 17th 2023.

In the world of digital health, Barcelona takes the center stage. The city not only hosts the Health Revolution Congress, but it is also a hub of digital innovation where global emerging companies, pharma headquarters, investors and innovative hospitals meet to provide solutions to today’s healthcare challenges.

Come to Barcelona on May 17th, enjoy the city and join the Health Revolution Congress, organized by Barcelona Health Hub. Let’s connect at the biggest European event in digital health. Be part of the revolution!