Digital Health Asia - The Future Transformation
The conference explores the current state and the future of healthcare digitalisation in Asian countries. Will healthcare digitalisation in Asia’s emerging markets help to cope with the rapid increase of ‘life style diseases’ and the corresponding cost explosion? Will the massive investment in artificial intelligence in some Asian countries and Asia’s high mobile penetration and affinity along with a more flexible handling of data privacy issues lead to a particular ‘Asian Way’ of the digital healthcare transformation? These and other question should be of interest to a broader interested audience, and also to medical device, pharma, and health IT companies as the upcoming changes will also impact their respective market eco-systems.
The event is part of the Asia Pacific Week 2018 ( It is organized by the Asia-Pacific Forum Berlin in partnership with Health Capital - Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, German Healthcare Partnership, BGM Associates – Strategy and Transaction Advisors in Healthcare and Life Sciences.
Participation is free, registration is required at: A conference programme you find here.