BIH Digital Health Forum

18:00 till 21:00 o'clock
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Berlin Museum of Medical History of the Charité

Hörsaalruine: Virchowweg 16, 10117 Berlin

AI has the power to redefine medicine. However, the current intersection of healthcare and large language models is rife with risk and unexplored implications.

On January 17, 2024, from 6pm onwards the BIH Digital Health Forum will discuss this charged topic, “ChatGPT and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges of Large Language Models in Medical Contexts” with Prof. Dr. Gerard de Melo, Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems at Hasso-Plattner-Institut, and our moderator Dr. David Higgins, cofounder and specialist in the intersection of AI and healthcare. 

Whether you’re a medical professional or an AI enthusiast, you won’t want to miss this this — Register now for this free event!