BIH Digital Health Accelerator Demo Day 2023

18:00 till 23:00 o'clock
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Haus Ungarn
The BIH Digital Health Accelerator is a program that supports and mentors innovation teams from Charité and Berlin Institute of Health in the digital health space, and we are excited to showcase the incredible progress made by our seven teams (Oncology, Urology, Gynecology, Neurology, Psychiatry; Regenerative Orthopedics, and Emergency Medicine) over the past few months.

At the Demo Day, you will have the opportunity to meet our talented and driven innovators who, coming from clinical or research backgrounds, utilize their unique insights and knowledge to build innovative solutions to demanding medical problems. You will also have the chance to connect and network with a wide range of different players from within the digital health industry, including investors, potential ecosystem partners, and senior members of Charite.

We are happy to announce that Philips Global will provide this year’s keynote. More information will be coming soon.

Register now and save your place - as seats are limited!

Event Language: English

More information and Registration: BIH Digital Health Accelerator - Demo Day 2023 (