12th GSCN Conference

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Friedrich Schiller University

The German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) invites you to its annual GSCN Conference in Jena from 25 – 27 September 2024 covering the latest findings in stem cell biology! The GSCN Conference is the meeting for stem cell research in Germany and will have e.g. excellent international keynote speakers, lots of presentations from selected abstracts, and an outstanding Presidential Symposium with the GSCN awardees. A broad industry exhibition and dedicated sessions will offer insights into latest technologies and allow personal contact. There will be new and exciting scientific findings and intense discussions during the breaks, at the two poster sessions, and at the social events.

Please find the program and more information here.

Register here for the conference.

The following topics and issues will be examined, among others: 

  • Stem cells organoids
  • Computational stem cell biology
  • Technologies from industry and academia
  • Stem cell in disease modeling & drug development
  • Stem cells in regenerative therapies
  • Clinical trials & regulatory affairs

Who will be attending?

  • Academic researchers and company representatives from the stem cell field.