10th Hanseatic India Colloquium 2019

09:00 till 18:00 o'clock
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Consulate General of India
Advances in Medical and Diagnostic Technologies & Metabolism in Health and Diseases

A highlight of the conference this year is the presentation of the EY Global Medical Technology Report 2019.

Over the last decade, the Hanseatic India Colloquium as a networking platform has provided many cross-border business and technology cooperation between Indian and German players active in healthcare sectors.  

As part of the India Week Hamburg the 10th Hanseatic India Colloquium will again bring together decision makers of life science industry from both countries. Industry experts from Germany and India will provide a firsthand report on the health care and life science market and the most promising collaboration opportunities.

Registration is free but mandatory. Registration will be accepted on first come first served basis as the seating is limited. Please register using the prescribed form. For registration, please follow the link: https://www.elgabiotech.de/htmls/news.html.

Program: The final agenda will be made available in the first week of September

Contact for further information and registration packet:
ELGA Biotech
Dr. Amal K. Mukhopadhyay
Baumschulenweg 26
22609 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40- 411613 60 / 33442180
Mobile: +49-163-3243522
e-mail: am@elgabiotech.com